Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are more common than you might think as they shelter in a variety of dark locations, near where people sleep.
Common places you may find bed bugs, include:

  • Under mattresses
  • Under floorboards
  • Under paintings
  • Under carpets
  • Beneath skirting
  • Behind cracks & crevices
  • Within bed frames
  • Behind loose wall paper

These pests tend to stay in close contact with each other and brood in heavy infestations. These influxes are accompanied by a distinctive sweet sickly smell.

A few signs that suggest you have bed bugs include:

  • Blood spotting on sheets
  • Waking up with itching bites
  • Musky odour in premises
  • Dark or rusty sports on sheets

Once identified, our team can treat the infestation. Without expert treatment your bed bug eradication is unlikely to be successful.

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